Prosper Membership Plans
Discover the advantages of our Prosper Membership Plans, designed to provide you with exclusive discounts on services, products, and more. Whether you're focused on aesthetics, weight, wellness, or other goals, we have a membership plan tailored to meet your needs. Join us today and unlock the benefits that will support you on your journey to success!
All members enjoy priority scheduling and extended hours.

Contact us to join

Save on Semaglutide
0.25mg-1.5mg (5U-30U) = $230/month
>1.5mg (>30U)= $250/month
In office injections $50 each

Member's Only Pricing
15% off Retail and Cosmetic Injectables
15% off Non-Invasive Procedures
$150 Evolve Sessions ($400 Value)
$250/mo Evolve Unlimited Plan

Free Services
Initial consultation, labs and follow-up visits
Monthly Red Light Treatments

$59 per month

FREE Sign Up Gift
Get 2o units of Daxxify or $75 off Filler + ProsperLife Skincare Product Sample Bag

Member's Only Pricing
$5/unit Daxxify or $10/unit Botox
20% off Retail
15% off Non-Invasive Procedures
Monthly Member's Only Specials

FREE Services
Monthly B12 Injection
Quarterly Skin Analysis
Quarterly Chemical Peel

Choose Your Anniversary Gift
30 units of Daxxify
1/2 Filler Syringe

$59 per month

FREE Services
Basic Lab Tests 2x per year
Monthly Red Light Session
Wellness Consultation 2x per year

Member's Only Pricing
15% off Advanced Lab and genetic testing
20% off Retail
15% Wellness Services including BHRT pellets
15% off Peptides
30% off all IV therapy services

Choose Your Anniversary Gift
30 Minute Massage
Myers Cocktail IV Treatment

Wellness + Aesthetics
$99 per month

FREE Services
Basic Lab Tests 2x per year
Monthly Red Light Session
Wellness Consultation 2x per year
Monthly B12 Injection
Quarterly Skin Analysis
Quarterly Chemical Peel

Choose Your Anniversary Gift
30 Minute Massage OR
Myers Cocktail IV Treatment
30 units of Daxxify
1/2 Filler Syringe

Member's Only Pricing
30% off IV Therapy
25% off Retail
20% off:
Advanced Lab and genetic testing
Wellness Services
Non-Invasive Procedures
BHRT Pellets
$5/unit Daxxify or $10/unit Botox
Monthly Member's Only Specials

FREE Sign Up Gift
Get 2o units of Daxxify or $75 off Filler + ProsperLife Skincare Product Sample Bag